9 research outputs found

    Foot/Ankle Prostheses Design Approach Based on Scientometric and Patentometric Analyses

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    There are different alternatives when selecting removable prostheses for below the knee amputated patients. The designs of these prostheses vary according to their different functions. These prostheses designs can be classified into Energy Storing and Return (ESAR), Controlled Energy Storing and Return (CESR), active, and hybrid. This paper aims to identify the state of the art related to the design of these prostheses of which ESAR prostheses are grouped into five types, and active and CESR are categorized into four groups. Regarding patent analysis, 324 were analyzed over the last six years. For scientific communications, a bibliometric analysis was performed using 104 scientific reports from the Web of Science in the same period. The results show a tendency of ESAR prostheses designs for patents (68%) and active prostheses designs for scientific documentation (40%).Beca Conacyt Doctorad

    User-Centered Design and Evaluation of an Upper Limb Rehabilitation System with a Virtual Environment

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    Virtual environments (VEs) and haptic devices increase patients’ motivation. Furthermore, they observe their performance during rehabilitation. However, some of these technologies present disadvantages because they do not consider therapists’ needs and experience. This research presents the development and usability evaluation of an upper limb rehabilitation system based on a user-centered design approach for patients with moderate or mild stroke that can perform active rehabilitation. The system consists of a virtual environment with four virtual scenarios and a developed haptic device with vibrotactile feedback, and it can be visualized using a monitor or a Head-Mounted Display (HMD). Two evaluations were carried out; in the first one, five therapists evaluated the system’s usability using a monitor through the System Usability Scale, the user experience with the AttrakDiff questionnaire, and the functionality with customized items. As a result of these tests, improvements were made to the system. The second evaluation was carried out by ten volunteers who evaluated the usability, user experience, and performance with a monitor and HMD. A comparison of the therapist and volunteer scores has shown an increase in the usability evaluation (from 78 to >85), the hedonic score rose from 0.6 to 2.23, the pragmatic qualities from 1.25 to 2.20, and the attractiveness from 1.3 to 2.95. Additionally, the haptic device and the VE showed no relevant difference between their performance when using a monitor or HMD. The results show that the proposed system has the characteristics to be a helpful tool for therapists and upper limb rehabilitation

    Artificial Vision Algorithms for Socially Assistive Robot Applications: A Review of the Literature

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    Today, computer vision algorithms are very important for different fields and applications, such as closed-circuit television security, health status monitoring, and recognizing a specific person or object and robotics. Regarding this topic, the present paper deals with a recent review of the literature on computer vision algorithms (recognition and tracking of faces, bodies, and objects) oriented towards socially assistive robot applications. The performance, frames per second (FPS) processing speed, and hardware implemented to run the algorithms are highlighted by comparing the available solutions. Moreover, this paper provides general information for researchers interested in knowing which vision algorithms are available, enabling them to select the one that is most suitable to include in their robotic system applicationsBeca Conacyt Doctorado No de CVU: 64683

    Study to Increase the TRL of Exoskeleton ERMIS Based on a Methodology to the Identification of Real Performance Parameters

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    Many exoskeletons in scientific communications and patents only reach a technology readiness level corresponding to an experimental physical model (EPM) or a low-fidelity prototype. While only operational in a laboratory environment, the increasing technology readiness level (TRL) in exoskeletons is not widely studied. This work presents a study to reach this aim based on a new methodology that includes two phases, eleven steps, and four case studies from EPM (TRL3) of ERMIS up to TRL 5 of ERMIS. The results of this article show the increase in TRL based on the analysis of the operational parameters of the ERMIS exoskeleton. The validation of the passive rehabilitation movements was made by characterizing the points of their trajectories assisted by an anthropomorphic mechanism used to measure the end-effector position of ERMIS by means of the acquisition of data, obtaining an error of 20 mm. In conclusion, the real performance parameters are detailed, explaining their causes according to the behavior of the exoskeleton in a real environment operating the four case studies. It presents the group of parameters that reach the TRL 5, which were validated in Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software.Beca Conacyt Maestrí

    Ciencia, Tecnología y Salud en la Atención de los Adolescentes

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    El Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Médicas (CICMED) de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, institución que se distingue por su preocupación en el desarrollo de proyectos de investigación, actividades académicas y de vinculación encaminadas a la detección y tratamiento de aquellos problemas que aquejan a los adolescentes, se ha distinguido por la promoción de la salud del adolescente, además de un trabajo intenso a través de redes de investigación con otras instituciones con lo cual se han enriquecido nuestros proyectos de investigación, permitiendo establecer convenios con instituciones tanto nacionales como internacionales. Los temas que se tratan en este libro, han dado lugar a una gran cantidad de reflexiones, mitos, estrategias y propuestas para la cuidado del adolescente, motivo por el cual se invitó tanto a docentes como a investigadores a participar en este libro y poder mostrar lo que se está haciendo actualmente en relación con la atención de la salud del adolescente desde diferentes perspectivas temáticas, con el propósito de difundir ampliamente los hallazgos que como investigadores se han encontrado a través del trabajo clínico y de campo, aportar información relevante para la prevención y tratamiento de la problemática más frecuente en el adolescente y abrir un espacio de intercambio y actualización, basado en el trabajo interdisciplinario para entender mejor y ampliar la visión de los diferentes factores que inciden en la salud integral del adolescente. El adolescente concebido como la persona que está en la transición de la niñez a la vida adulta, ha existido siempre. Sin embargo, la adolescencia entendida como un proceso bio-psico-social con entidad propia y, en consecuencia, con características necesidades y problemas específicos, es una realidad que apenas ha comenzado a tenerse en cuenta recientemente. La adolescencia es el período de tiempo en el que se producen los cambios desde la inmadurez propia del niño a la madurez propia del adulto. Entendiendo al individuo maduro como: aquel que es capaz de orientar su propia vida según el sentido de la existencia, con criterios propios. Desde el punto de vista intelectual o mental, el individuo maduro es aquel que es capaz de juzgar con independencia y objetividad, con sentido crítico. Desde la vertiente afectiva, posee autocontrol de las emociones y es capaz de aceptar los fracasos sin grandes conmociones interiores. Desde el aspecto social, está dispuesto a colaborar en las tareas colectivas, es tolerante con los demás y es capaz de asumir su propia responsabilidad. Esta etapa de la vida de los seres humanos es importante ya que depende del desarrollo armónico de ésta, obliga al futuro adulto en su mundo globalizado lleno de exigencias y riesgos, que los profesionales de la salud reconsideren su actuar con estas personas, dado que hoy en día no hay especialistas o posgraduados que atiendan de manera específica a los adolescentes. En este sentido la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, a través del Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Médica adquiere la responsabilidad y el compromiso de motivar a padres, educadores, profesionales de la salud y a los mismos adolescentes para que se conviertan en promotores de la salud física y mental que bajo la misma meta en la escuela y el hogar promuevan una conducta saludable. Por lo que brindamos nuestro agradecimiento a los autores por su valiosa participación y confianza al dejar en nuestras manos su trabajo profesional, comprometido y entusiasta, con el propósito de aportar a la sociedad una perspectiva general sobre el adolescente y sus trastornos para ubicarnos después en un contexto de salud integral


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    Diseño Industrial. Órtesis de mano mecánica para rehabilitación de mano y muñeca utilizando tensegridad. El sistema está diseñado para ser utilizado para mano derecha o mano izquierda


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    Modelo Industrial. Se presenta una prótesis para pierna, constituida de elementos mecánicos

    Artificial Vision Algorithms for Socially Assistive Robot Applications: A Review of the Literature

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    Today, computer vision algorithms are very important for different fields and applications, such as closed-circuit television security, health status monitoring, and recognizing a specific person or object and robotics. Regarding this topic, the present paper deals with a recent review of the literature on computer vision algorithms (recognition and tracking of faces, bodies, and objects) oriented towards socially assistive robot applications. The performance, frames per second (FPS) processing speed, and hardware implemented to run the algorithms are highlighted by comparing the available solutions. Moreover, this paper provides general information for researchers interested in knowing which vision algorithms are available, enabling them to select the one that is most suitable to include in their robotic system applications